Five Helpful Prom Season Suggestions for All the Loving Single Fathers

Five Helpful Prom Season Suggestions for All the Loving Single Fathers

6 Easy Steps to Get Your Crush to Ask You to the Prom Reading Five Helpful Prom Season Suggestions for All the Loving Single Fathers 3 minutes Next Single Mums, Dating and Fantastic Gift Concepts

Five Helpful Prom Season Suggestions for All the Loving Single Fathers

Shopping with a teenage daughter is never easy, but for a single father, it is even harder. The truth is all teenage girls think they look fat, and this can turn into a downhill spiral so don't buy into it, just focus on the dresses and say how lovely she looks in nearly all of them while trying to encourage the right choice and most elegant gown.

1. Become Familiar with What is Available

The range of plain and sequin prom dresses is vast, and this season's colors are so feminine, pinks and blues and all the colors that suit the teens perfectly. Whatever your daughter decides on, within reason, pay for it. It is a good idea to settle on a budget range before leaving home, as this eliminates the need for any critical conversations in the store.

2. Bolster Your Daughters Confidence

Before the shopping trip, give your daughter a voucher for a hair and make-up gift, to be done on the morning of the shopping expedition. This way she will get a good idea of how she will look on the night of the prom in her new dress. The hair and makeup will make all the difference and give her a lot more confidence, so choosing the gown will be easy.

3. Never mention Weight

Never mention weight in front of a teenager, as they are so very sensitive. Nearly all teenagers are beautiful unless they actively work not to be.

With their fresh skin, bright eyes, and glossy hair, just looking young is beautiful!

4. Focus on the Dresses

You may need to stay outside the shop, as your presence may make the other young girls uncomfortable. Keep buying coffee to keep you alert throughout the day. You should consider what your daughter like best. If she prefer short vintage dresses, just encourage her to have a try. If you feel a bit worried about spending so much money, don't be, when you see the photographs of your daughter at the prom it will all be worth it.

5. Consider Taking Her Best Friend Along

A girlfriend will be your daughter's best support, especially someone she has known for a while. They will know what suits your daughter best and will have her best interests at heart. They will also be able to do what you can't, and go into the fitting room with your daughter when she tries the dresses on. This way the girls will reach a decision, whereas alone, your daughter may not have the confidence to make the right choice.


If your daughter didn't get any Promposoals don't worry, many people go solo and she is going to look so beautiful and glowing at the night, that everyone will notice her in one of the gorgeous prom dresses.